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Rekindling that infinite potential:
A Creators Journey

Remember the first time you discovered 3D printing? That sudden realization of infinite potential unleashed upon your creativity. For an incredible moment, you feel that you can create anything! Everything was within reach.
You huddle down and get to work, designing, printing benchies, temperature towers and research the newest upgrades you could print out. Gradually, you gain the intuitive sense of what works and what doesn't. The machines speaks to you in a way only you can interpret.
Eventually it feels harder and harder to find the right information. Research becomes more challenging as the answers you seek can only be found by trial and error. Eventually, you come to realize that your questions were no longer the common questions and that you were at a new stage of experience.

Steadily, more and more people came to you for advice and expertise. It dawns on you that the original spark of potential and creativity has been dulled by the first hand experience of limitation. The last time you dreamed of building limitless ideas seemed long ago. Replaced by a neatly categorized logic of things you can't do. Your focus, now solely on the removal of technical limitations have become rigid, analytical and practical.
This is the path to progress. Armed with all the best tools now financed, testing and reviewing dozens of bleeding edge materials and establishing the dream print farm to win recognition with industry awards. Have we missed something along the way?
Perhaps...the spark of infinite potential that started it all? That critical element of play.
Realizing you can take things too far and too seriously, Resins3D is our love letter to that initial spark of creativity -sidelined years ago. Re-imagined after going down the rabbit hole.
Simple is key. We handle import, conversion, freight, brokerage, logistics, certification and we are accessible and local. Our focus is to remove as many of the barriers for Canadians to obtain the most affordable and established creator tools. Go express that spark of infinite potential that spurred our incredible journey long ago and never lose sight of how fun this hobby is.
It's time for all of us to rekindle that creative spark once more.